Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Redwoods and Sea Lions

One of the nicest things about being back in the US is that I've been able to talk to all my friends back home. Just knowing they're there and that I have their support is so wonderful. When I was in Scotland I was feeling especially distanced and homeless, but talking to everyone just reminded me that everyone is still there. I feel content to go off to Thailand for two months knowing that will still be true when I get home. I wrote about loneliness during that same patch of doubt in Scotland, but I also really love being alone. I love waking up and going out at my own pace. No need to confer with anyone else on where to go or what they want to see or if they need food or anything else. Just me and my own wants and needs; it's incredibly freeing.

Ironically while everyone began their spring break, I spent my first few days here on college campuses. My first day wandering around Berkeley was beautiful and warm and sunny. These neighborhoods are gardens; every yard is filled with flowers and bushes and, in some cases, lemon trees. My sister's apartment is in a really wonderful location close to Downtown Berkeley and the UC Berkeley campus, of which I explored both my first day. The college campus is very beautiful. After walking through neighborhoods filled with houses and stores the campus feels quite removed. It's got trees and grassy areas and wooden bridges; all in all a good place to sit and relax - especially since there are no places to sit in Berkeley except for bus stop benches.

On Friday, my second day, Jack had a meeting at Stanford so I went with him to bond and meander the campus grounds. Another really beautiful campus in a completely different way than UC Berkeley. It's almost like a medieval castle. There are stone archways and a courtyard and just really beautiful architecture. Give me that, a hidden bench in a small wooded section, a book, and 70+ degrees and what could be better? By the time we got back it was the start of Shabbat and Noa invited over a few friends. One of whom was the girlfriend of Jack's older brother, Benj, who we are having dinner with tonight. That will bring my total of Cohens met in person to 3 out of 5. So it was a really good dinner with good people and good food.

Saturday was a relaxed day. I walked around Berkeley a bit and hung out with Noa and Jack. Sunday was an awesome day. Noa and I were invited hiking by one of Jack's roommates, Yosef. One of the other hikers, Dan, picked us up early to go to a farmer's market to get some lunch. Not only was it a really nice farmer's market, but we got very delicious cheese from our new friend Jessie, and bread and apples. We picked up Yosef and another girl, Shlayma, and headed to the Oakland redwoods. What a lovely hike! And I got to see my first redwood trees! Yosef, keeper of the map, got us a little lost but no one minded. It was too beautiful out for us to want the hike to end. But of course it did end, and we all went home happily sore. Noa and I then proceeded to make the best lentil vegetable soup ever and roasted brussel sprouts. We popped in a movie around 8 (to which I promptly fell asleep) and that was our day!

Yesterday, Monday, Noa's roommate from college, Nikki, drove down to see us. While Noa worked during the day Nikki and I went into San Francisco. We walked along the ocean front and went to Pier 39 for a while. Did you know there are sea lions routinely chilling at Pier 39? Me neither. Then we wandered into the hills, which are appropriately named, and climbed through the neighborhoods until we reached Coit Tower and were rewarded with a view of the bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. We met up with Noa not so much later in Downtown Berkeley at a cafe and hung out there until Nikki had to go home. By the way, if you need a photographer Nikki is your girl. http://www.sorella-muse.com/

That brings us up to present moment. I'm still chilling in Noa's apartment with no defined plans at the moment, but later tonight Jack, Noa, and I are having dinner with Jack's brother, Benj, and girlfriend, Amanda. Should be good! And did I mention this is my last full day in California? I leave tomorrow night for Thailand! Crazy. I can remember last summer when I first found out about Lanta Animal Welfare and e-mailed them with a "might as well" mindset. After receiving an e-mail and application within 24 hours I called my Mom, who was away that week, and declared that I was going to Thailand. Of course that was when I was still in the trip planning process and often declared I was going to New Zealand, Argentina, Jupiter, etc so I wasn't taken too seriously. But now...it's tomorrow. And I'm actually going. I keep flip flopping between elation and jitters but overall I can't wait to get there and start volunteering. Also, I miss my cats and dog so I'm really excited to play with the ones there. If all goes well I'll arrive there on Friday. Got to love 14 hour flights, layovers, and a 15 hour time difference!

Also, there are more pictures here which you might be able to look at even if you don't have Facebook:

1 comment:

  1. It was so wonderful to see you and explore for an afternoon! I can't believe you are now miles and oceans away. I am sure that this part of your journey is going to be incredible, both inward and outward. I look forward to following along here! You really have grown so much as a writer though this blog, I love reading your posts. And thank you for the photography shout out! That was so sweet :) Lots of love xx Nikki
