Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Airport Good Times

Yesterday my Dad and I said goodbye to Zinnia and Hans-Jorg and began our return trip to Scotland. We were keeping an eye on the weather, but the area of real concern presented itself with a bomb scare. Not in Frankfurt Airport, thankfully, but in Amsterdam which is where we were scheduled to fly through. We had just reached our terminal in Frankfurt when we were told the Amsterdam airport was closed due to a bomb threat and we had to be re-routed through London. This wasn't an inconvenience for us, but it meant we had to run back to the other terminal and try to find someone who knew what was going on to give us boarding passes and take our luggage in a less than desirable amount of time. Long story short, we found someone, got what we needed, spent an eternally long time going through extra security, but just made it to both of our flights and got to Glasgow close to the same time as we were expecting to. Transferring at London Heathrow was really a close call because we had to change terminals and there's a whole bunch of drawn out security procedures, but luckily for my Dad I am an expert on Heathrow Airport and we did make our connection.

And we made it back to my Grandpa's house and lived happily ever after. Except that they lost my suitcase. The guy in charge of getting lost luggage looked at my baggage ticket and quickly said, "Well here's your problem, they forgot to check one of the bags all the way to Glasgow. Yup, it's sitting in London for you right now!" (Oh good, cause London's right next door) But I got my suitcase today. And we met a lot of nice people at the airport. And we got home okay. And we weren't actually trying to go to Amsterdam so all is well.

So the moral of the story is: Always arrive at airports early...and don't expect to leave promptly. And maybe keep your glasses and pajamas in your carry on.

As for the bomb scare in Amsterdam, some guy locked himself in a bathroom and announced that he had a bomb. He did not. Way to go, kid.

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