Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oh Hey Germany

I shouldn't have spoken so quickly about not seeing any snow this winter. What should greet us upon our arrival in Germany but a snow flurry. I take back anything kind I said about snow. Snow sucks.

I think Frankfurt must be quite lovely, but I haven't seen much more than the view from our hotel window. Strangely enough, being kind of sick and then waking up too early and spending an entire day either up in the air or outside in the cold doesn't make you feel better - it makes you feel worse. So I spent yesterday in the hotel room learning German from badly dubbed episodes of Family Guy and Spongebob Squarepants...not my finest moment.

I didn't realize not knowing German would be such a hindrance. I guess a lot of people do know some english, but it's not like Israel where everyone knows enough to communicate with. The only word I know is "danke," which is "thank you." But today we're leaving Frankfurt and heading to old friends of my parents in Heilbronn, and they speak english. Sometimes I feel a little guilty for only knowing one language and forcing others to pull out their english in order to accommodate me. I'd really like to know more languages and be able to better communicate. Wouldn't it be nice if we all spoke the same language? But there's a lot of beauty in the diversity.

So now we've got four more nights in Germany before returning to Scotland. Then a week and a half there for me before I go to California to see my sister, Noa. Thank goodness for warmer temperatures only two weeks away!

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