Monday, February 6, 2012

In The Absence of Sunlight

It's nice to know that in a world that changes as fast as ours you can always rely on Glasgow's weather to be rather miserable. It's been less than a week since I arrived here and already I'm kind of sick. Between the cold, damp climate and consistently grey skies my immune system didn't stand a chance. Glasgow really isn't a place for anyone disposed to depression; what gets to me the most is waking up to a cloudy, grey sky which remains a similar shade of grey for the majority of the day before descending into total darkness. There was sun predicted for this afternoon which I've realized means that you will see only the outline of the sun behind a dense cloud layer. What surprises me the most about Scots is that they are a particularly cheery sort, at least the ones I've met. But I think you really have to be like that in order to survive here. Either that or the ability to hold your liquor.

Today was a very successful day. My Dad and I went to the Royal Thai Consulate of Glasgow to get my visa for Thailand. It was ready in 3 hours as opposed to 3 or so weeks. I got money from my Scottish bank account and converted some to Thai Bahts so I'm all set for Thailand. Can I tell you how excited I am to be somewhere warm again? I'm also really looking forward to going somewhere no one in my family has gone before. Thailand is my one real contribution to this trip. None of my parents' friends to visit and no family to stay with. This is, in some ways, my first real endeavour out into the world as a traveller and a person.

Tomorrow morning I head to Germany with my Dad. He has to do some research there one day and then we're staying with old friends of his for a couple of nights. I'm mentally preparing myself for colder temperatures but I'm crossing my fingers for some sunshine. I'm dreading next year's winter in Maine. I haven't seen a single snowflake this year and I'm complaining about the cold in 30-40 degree F temperatures. In terms of a Maine winter I'm being completely spoiled this year, but when it comes down to Glasgow's grey, rainy skies I might actually prefer the snow.

What I can say about Glasgow is that is has some really beautiful architecture. And I love fish and chips. And Cadbury Flakes are one of chocolate's greatest inventions. And there's a bagpipe school in the middle of town. And who doesn't love a good kilt store? I actually saw a kilt wedding dress which was truly bizarre. When I can understand it, Scottish accents are quite lovely. There are no harsh consonants and it's said in an almost sing-song manner. Glasgow's got a real personality to it; there's no second guessing where you are as you walk around town. Now if only there was some sunshine.

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