Saturday, December 3, 2011

4 Countries, 5 Months

It is now one week before I leave. I have yet to start packing but most of my flights are booked so we're on the right track. Until you are faced with the daunting task of packing a suitcase to last you five or so months in a variety of temperature zones you really aren't aware of just how much stuff you "need." My room is currently filled with freshly-bought bags of necessities that weren't so necessary until I was going away. For those of you who know me well, I despise shopping. I'll wear clothing out, steal from my sisters, persuade my mom to buy things I need to avoid doing any shopping myself. These are not particularly noble options to begin with, but they're completely invalid when alone and away from home. So I can honestly say I've done more shopping in the past week or two than I have in months (if not longer).

Clothing becomes the least of the packing concerns. It's a simple formula of what temperatures you'll be faced with x amount of time spent in said temperature zone + type of situations expected - things that can be easily replaced abroad. Simple, yes? What's tricky is guessing how many batteries you might need. Or trying to figure out how much super strength, full of Deet, crazy poisonous bug spray you might go through in 2 months, and whether an island off the southern peninsula of Thailand is likely to carry something of the same caliber. 

The itinerary for this trip has been based around one simple idea: how far can I get on the least amount of money? I leave for Israel on December 10 and I'll be there for seven weeks. My parents lived in Israel for six years a while back so some of their old friends will house me for part of the time, and my older sister spent a year in Israel between high school and college so I have some contacts from her, too. Between these and a wonderful thing called World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF - I am thankfully spared housing costs. 
Then it's off to Scotland on the first of February where I'll meet up with my dad. My grandpa lives in Scotland and we'll be able to stay with him. My mom and little sister will be coming to Scotland later in the month, but before they do my dad and I are going to Germany for about a week. I leave Scotland before the rest of my family does and fly to California to see my most lovely older sister (HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOA!!!) for a week before it's off to Thailand!
Through (, a site courtesy of Noa, I found a volunteer program at an animal shelter that will house you in exchange for the work you put in. I e-mailed the organization without real expectation of a response, and within 24 hours I had a reply and volunteer application. It's called Lanta Animal Welfare ( and I'll be there for about two months.
Then it's back to Noa and San Francisco for a few weeks and home to Maine!

1 comment:

  1. Ilana!! Don't ask how I creeped upon this blog haha, but this sounds sooo exciting!!! I hope your travels go swimmingly and that you document everything as you make your way around the world :) It made me so happy reading this and learning that you're doing great things and helping the world- I wouldn't have expected any less of your crazy self :D This will be one of the most worthwhile experiences of your life no doubt, and I hope you have a great time adventuring!
    <3 Hina! :)
    p.s. the title of this blog is ingenious :P
