Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Hello from Arizona! I've just arrived today to spend four days with my Dad's old friends, Carol and Richard who are both extremely cool and incredibly welcoming. Also they have a massive poodle who is doing his best to fill in the absence I still feel after leaving behind 30 dogs in Thailand. Arizona seems beautiful from what little I've seen of it. We're in Tucson and it's wonderful seeing mountains in every direction and cacti lining the streets. Carol and Richard's house is really lovely and filled with art, of which the majority is Carol's, as well as being furnished with a chicken coop filled with 10 chickens, a pool converted into a Koi pond, and several fruit trees and vegetable plants we use for dinner purposes. I've only met Carol and Richard once before when they came to visit us in Maine but I liked them then and I like them now; I think it's going to be really nice spending the next few days here.

As for the second half of my time in California, it was much nicer than my first half. With some help from melatonin I was roughly able to fix my sleep schedule. Noa came home Sunday afternoon and we had some good time together, but it wasn't until Tuesday, my last night there, that we were able to hang out just the two of us. We cooked and watched movies and talked and it's nice knowing she'll come visit Maine in August unlike the typical scenario of, "Well I'm sure I'll see you again and hopefully sooner rather than later." I really do love getting to see my sister and it's not often enough. It's funny because for most of my childhood I have very little recollection of her but then we suddenly became friends, and now she's someone I confide in a lot. After we said goodbye and I left for the airport I felt a bit like I could just go straight home, but now that I'm here in Arizona I'm really happy to be here and do all the cool things Carol and Richard have been describing.

But I am also getting excited to come home. It'll be so nice just to be in my space in my house with my family and my friends and my animals and my neighborhood. Is it any wonder my first word as a baby was "mine?" So I'll be here until Sunday, and then it's off to Colorado, and then I'll be home next Wednesday night. What's that? Yes, a week from today, precisely. Get ready, Bangor.

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