Monday, April 23, 2012


I'm in disbelief that two months have passed since I've arrived in Thailand. Clearly someone is playing a practical joke here and has fiddled with all the calendars because eight weeks couldn't possibly have passed that quickly. Do I really have to leave tomorrow?

After the whole flight fiasco in which all my flights had to change to a day earlier I realized that my new flight from Krabi to Bangkok left me under two hours to get my luggage and re-check in. My last time in Bangkok I had 2 1/2 hours and cut every line, ran like mad, and still only just made my flight. I got the last seat on the last available flight towards California for about a week and I'm not really prepared to chance missing it, so I'm blowing off my flight from Krabi to Bangkok and taking the ever-glamorous overnight bus straight to Bangkok. I am not terribly excited to sit on a bus for 16+ hours, but I'd be less excited to stress and run around Bangkok Airport and maybe miss my flight.

In between re-arranging trip details I've been trying to enjoy my last few days on Lanta as much as possible, but I've been working a lot and it's been alternating very hot or very rainy so nothing of too much excitement has gone on since I last wrote. I did my free cooking class at Time For Lime restaurant on Friday with Tilly (with delicious results). I've been collecting souvenirs for people back home. I've been drying off cats when the isolation room floods. I've been sweeping kennels and walking dogs on the beach. I've been avoiding spiders, snakes, and frogs unsuccessfully. I've been eating nothing but Greek and Thai food. I've been hanging out with some very wonderful people. How am I supposed to leave this island? What will I do without dozens of eagles flying overhead and a selection of cats constantly filtering in and out of my room? Granted, now that we've transitioned into low season the island is much quieter but there's nothing wrong with that. Needless to say, I'm going to miss this place.

It so happens that our manager, Jon, is resigning mid-May and we are currently looking for a replacement. If you know anyone that might be interested please pass this along:

I expect this will be the last post from Thailand. I'll be home in just over two weeks! But first it's back to California to see my sister one more time.

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